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Bluetooth Unlock Mac

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Bluetooth Unlock Mac

With the help an app, you can unlock mac which uses Bluetooth connectivity to do this task. The app consumes very less energy as it uses Low Energy Bluetooth. You have to follow some steps to configure the app with your Mac. After that, it will start performing its task successfully.

Lock and unlock a Mac using Bluetooth detection | 34 comments | Create New Account

Reset the radios Auto unlock requires Bluetooth 4.2 and Wi-Fi to be up and running on both your Apple Watch and Mac in order to work. If one or both radios have been turned off on one or both devices, or somehow stopped responding, Auto Unlock will likewise stop working. Cycling them can sometimes jump start everything back into action. Disable Automatic Login on Mac. If you have enabled Automatic Login on Mac, you'll need to disable. Alternatives to Bluetooth Unlock for Mac, Windows, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and more. Filter by license to discover only free or Open Source alternatives. This list contains a total of 8 apps similar to Bluetooth Unlock. List updated: 10/2/2016 7:13:00 PM. Lock and unlock a Mac using Bluetooth detection Authored by: bendero on Jun 30, '11 10:33:22PM Hi, I own a Macbook Pro and I was wondering if it was possible to have the script to ask for the password after the lid is closed even if when it was closed the phone was in range.

Click here to return to the 'Lock and unlock a Mac using Bluetooth detection' hint
The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.

This is a pretty nifty hint. I have tried it on 10.6 and it works!

I followed instructions, but the inrange script doesn't work.
When I go out of range with my phone, the computer correctly launch the screensaver with password request on.
When I return in range with my phone, the screensaver quits, but a black screen appears and no unlocking is done. if I insert my password (note that the login windows is not visible) and hit Return, my desktop comes out.
Can you help, please?
Thank you.
PS: I'm on a Macbook Pro, with 10.6.2

I had the same problem and I figured out the problem. It happens because you try to change a security option while you couldn't (the screensaver is running and you need the password to exit from the screensaver and change the security settings).
In fact when the black screen appear if you type your password you can get out of it.
I understand the problem, but I have no idea for a solution. anyone?
I think that there is need to 'set require password to wake to false' as administrator (like if you want to use sudo)

I made the same thought, but I don't understand how it can work for others users. Movavi video editor 15 business 15 1 0 mac. maybe the problem is another. Best free pdf app for mac.

Same problem here. But that's not the fault of the script! I also have it sometimes, when I wake my MBP from sleep. And there seem to be more of us :-)
So thanks a lot for sharing that hint!

Download bluetooth for mac

With the help an app, you can unlock mac which uses Bluetooth connectivity to do this task. The app consumes very less energy as it uses Low Energy Bluetooth. You have to follow some steps to configure the app with your Mac. After that, it will start performing its task successfully.

Lock and unlock a Mac using Bluetooth detection | 34 comments | Create New Account

Reset the radios Auto unlock requires Bluetooth 4.2 and Wi-Fi to be up and running on both your Apple Watch and Mac in order to work. If one or both radios have been turned off on one or both devices, or somehow stopped responding, Auto Unlock will likewise stop working. Cycling them can sometimes jump start everything back into action. Disable Automatic Login on Mac. If you have enabled Automatic Login on Mac, you'll need to disable. Alternatives to Bluetooth Unlock for Mac, Windows, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and more. Filter by license to discover only free or Open Source alternatives. This list contains a total of 8 apps similar to Bluetooth Unlock. List updated: 10/2/2016 7:13:00 PM. Lock and unlock a Mac using Bluetooth detection Authored by: bendero on Jun 30, '11 10:33:22PM Hi, I own a Macbook Pro and I was wondering if it was possible to have the script to ask for the password after the lid is closed even if when it was closed the phone was in range.

Click here to return to the 'Lock and unlock a Mac using Bluetooth detection' hint
The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.

This is a pretty nifty hint. I have tried it on 10.6 and it works!

I followed instructions, but the inrange script doesn't work.
When I go out of range with my phone, the computer correctly launch the screensaver with password request on.
When I return in range with my phone, the screensaver quits, but a black screen appears and no unlocking is done. if I insert my password (note that the login windows is not visible) and hit Return, my desktop comes out.
Can you help, please?
Thank you.
PS: I'm on a Macbook Pro, with 10.6.2

I had the same problem and I figured out the problem. It happens because you try to change a security option while you couldn't (the screensaver is running and you need the password to exit from the screensaver and change the security settings).
In fact when the black screen appear if you type your password you can get out of it.
I understand the problem, but I have no idea for a solution. anyone?
I think that there is need to 'set require password to wake to false' as administrator (like if you want to use sudo)

I made the same thought, but I don't understand how it can work for others users. Movavi video editor 15 business 15 1 0 mac. maybe the problem is another. Best free pdf app for mac.

Same problem here. But that's not the fault of the script! I also have it sometimes, when I wake my MBP from sleep. And there seem to be more of us :-)
So thanks a lot for sharing that hint!

To those that are happy to settle for a lesser amount of security, here is the original solution I used, which has AppleScript type out your password explicitly. Keep in mind that this approach requires you to have your password within the 'inrange' applescript in plain text mode!!!
copy the text below into your 'inrange' applescript and give it a shot.
tell application 'System Events' to keystroke return
delay 1
tell application 'System Events' to keystroke 'YOURPASSWORDHERE'
-- it types in your password for you
delay 1
tell application 'System Events' to keystroke return
-- accept password and log on; this needs the password option to be activated in the Screen Saver options under System Preferences
The out of range script can be the following at this point:
activate application 'ScreenSaverEngine'

You could use keychain scripting to store and retrieve a pw from the keychain instead of storing it in the script. Also, this way if your pw changes, you just have to change it in the keychain instead of modifying the script. I'm not at my computer right now and I forget exactly how to do this, but I remember it was unbelievably easy.

I think it was something like this:

tell application 'keychain scripting'
set thePW to the password of first key of current keychain whose name is 'AdminPassword'
end tell

And then just manually create an entry called AdminPassword in your default keychain (or you can modify this to use a different keychain if you want.)

I agree though that this is a better implementation as it doesn't require you to remember to change the passwords everywhere.
Thanks for the suggestion.

thanks to both of you, that works perfectly! I think it requires setting Access Control in Keychain Access to allow access to it by proximity. I currently have access allowed for Proximity, Keychain Scripting and Applescript Editor but think I've ended up with so many permissions because I tested the script out in the editor.
Incidentally, your idea of using proximity for security reasons works really in conjunction with Network Location, by Centrix software (i think marcopolo is a free alternative). When I leave my home (safe zone) Network Location turns on proximity and turns the screensaver password on. Hence if I leave my laptop proximity locks the computer, but when I'm at home the same doesn't happen. Go home: proximity and screensaver password turned off. I find entering the password all the time at home is a pain.

I'd assume you need Keychain Scripting access since the Proximity applescript is telling Keychain Scripting to get the PW - Keychain Scripting is the one actually making the request for it. The permission granted to Proximity is probably a permission for Keychain Scripting to pass the PW back to Proximity. Of course I could be completely wrong on all of this - I just like to make guesses at how computers work and revise them as necessary - life's all about trial and error!

sounds sensible. It asked my permission for both when I tested the script in Proximity. Pity I can't remember which order it asked. I've turned off access for the applescript editor and it still works.

It is nice to know that the app that calls Keychain Scripting also requires permission, because when I fooled with Keychain Scripting once before and allowed it to access my PW, I was worried that I might be allowing ANY applescript to access my PW via Keychain Scripting. Copying a mac hard drive to another.

do you happen to know if it is possible to pass a password from the keychain into terminal. I was hoping to be able execute an applescript which changed the HD spindown time when I changed location. I can open terminal and set the command:
sudo pmset -b disksleep 5
but then it asks me for my password. I could do my password as keystrokes but I'd prefer to access a password stored in the keychain.
I'm guessing I need to:
set thePW to the password of first key of current keychain whose name is 'AdminPassword'
but then convert thePW to keystokes?

I think you want something like this: (I think that's the correct syntax)

This way you do not need to say sudo in your script; all commands in the script will be run with full admin priveleges.

cool, I must have been typing at the same time as you. I'll give that way a go. Mac os x yosemite beta. thanks!

think I got it:
tell application 'Keychain Scripting'
set thePW to the password of first key of current keychain whose name is 'AdminPassword'
delay 1
do shell script 'sudo pmset -a disksleep 15' password thePW with administrator privileges
on error
display dialog 'Oops. Wrong password?'
end try
end tell
sets all setting for spindown to 15 minutes. Now to have different for battery power etc.

Cool. I don't think you need 'sudo', as the 'with administrator privileges' gives the script the same rights as sudo. I read here that using both can create some kind of security hole, though I'm not sure how and the article doesn't explain.

I thought it sounded like a fishy security hole when I saw your script tries to set require password to wake to false while the computer is locked, so it makes sense and restores my sense of security that the computer would require a password.

Now as far as a solution to this, I know you can run shell scripts with admin (ie. sudo) privileges in AppleScripts, so I'm sure there must be a terminal command that will set this (I'll leave it to someone else to find and post back with the command). Running a shell script with admin privileges still requires the pw be passed by the script if you don't want to prompt the user for it, but rather than hardcoding the pw in your script, you could use the keychain (see my reply to mech14 above.)

I'm sorry folks with SL but I'm sticking w/ Leopard for a while so I cannot check this.
Logic express download mac. It may have to do with whether your account has admin privileges. Most of my accounts are admins as well, so that may be the issue.

If one wanted to take an entirely scripted approach - you could use the lightblue python library. I started on this once and just have a proof of concept script that looks like:

the link is hosted on and requires one to wait 60 seconds for the download. Let me know if the link dies. Feel free to host it anywhere else as well.

I covered this a while back on my blog.
It has a few more features and works on snow leopard.

thanks ktonini. I didn't stumble across ur blog, but it seems to have some useful stuff there. I tried to throw in many scripts in the 'inrange' file, but then it was doing too many things that I didn't really need all the time. Primarily, I just wanted to have a password activated while away, and no password while I was present.
I really just wanted to make sure my coworkers didn't snoop around while I stepped out to the washroom or w/e, so my solution works fine for me. You can of course have the program run just about any script you tell it too (e.g., make coffee and toast, put kids to bed :) )
Anyway, thanks for sharing

Theres also a clean, albeit shareware alternative: AirLock

plz rtfa :)

FIrst of all, would like to point out that I have read the original article in full, and would like to note the following:
While I understand what the OP is trying to achieve here, there are far simpler means to get where he wants to go. As the last poster pointed out, there is a far better alternative named Airlock, which seamlessly and elegantly locks and unlocks my MBP whenever I stray away from it. It's a well-written Sys-Pref pane, and is very Apple-like in its implementation.
I'm not certain why the OP had a problem with their install of it, unless it was more the $7 price tag than the install itself, but Airlock does exactly what I want cleanly and securely. And I have had no issues with consistency at all. But that's just me.
So, while there may be a great use for scripts - and there always will be, Airlock, I think is a far safer alternative, and won't require you to download anything from ;)

Thanks for the feedback, makemineamac. The reason I went searching for alternatives is because I had this implementation in Ubuntu for free, and it had a lot of options for an open-source project (blueproximity). Having said that, Airlock is cheap, but reading multiple reviews I've noticed Airlock conflicts a lot with other bluetooth devices (especially the new mouse and keyboard).
Airlock's creator had to return a lot of people's money due to these issues. Anyway, that's besides the point. I like open source and welcomed the chance to learn more about my hackint0sh than i would with a seamless program like Airlock. This IS a macosxHINTS site after all, so that was what i am sharing: a hint. Airlock should be listed on '' as it's not really a hint :)
Happy new year's everyone.

Reading the headline I was surprised: is a fairly 'old' utility, not having been updated in quite a while, but working perfectly. Maybe the hype about AirLock spurred the interest. Whatever, it was about time it got mentioned.
A number of people have written about and developed quite useful scripts for it. Look here for more information:
and here for explanations and scripts that work for me:
From the Script:
- offer the user the option to stifle all actions if the connection just got lost randomly (stopping any active screen saver first)
- inform the user via speech output and Growl messages (if available) about what is going to happen for him to see when he returns
- log its actions in the system log
- mute the system volume to avoid any alarm etc. annoying others
- set the state of the instant messaging clients Adium, Skype and iChat to away/busy/not available
- set the status message/mood of the instant messaging clients to a predefined value
- pause the media players DVD Player, VLC, QuickTime Player and iTunes
- post a message on twitter
- set the status on facebook
- start taking pictures from whatever is in front of the computer in defined intervals via an iSight camera, saving the pictures for later inspection
- enable the screen saver password option to prevent anybody messing with the machine
- and start the screen saver, so the machine is locked
- while saving the current states of everything that is being changed, so as to be able to revert it when the user returns
- in a way suitable for the machine to go to sleep or shut down as well.
It'll do some more housekeeping like
- checking the availability of Growl and registering this script with it as well
- making sure this script only executes once before the In-Range script, otherwise the settings would be messed
- look if fbcmd has been installed in order to use it
and more.

I've used AirLock successfully to do the same thing, although this being free, it's nice, too.
I have used Applescript, Growl and Prowl to send a push notification to the phone when I walk away. This way, I know that the system is locked as everything is working as it should. I have also got a notification when I come back, which is useful when testing so that I don't stay in range when I want to be away. I'll be ditching this part when I'm happy with my ranges.
I've also used Applescript to change my desktop wallpaper on lock / unlock. I have a plain old picture as my background, with a tiny little bit of text in the corner stating 'phone unlocked' or 'phone locked'. This was, I know whether the phone or a third party last unlocked my screen.

Just uploaded my packaged app to Macupdate just in case expires.
Enjoy and distribute!

You guys rocks!
I was indeed looking for something like blueproximity.Thanks a lot!

Just a quick question. I've download and configured Proximity but i am unable to get my iphone 4 to pair with my Mac Mini.
My iphone 4 is jailbroken so i'm curious if there is a Cydia app i can use to force it to pair with my Mac Mini.
Thanks for any help.

Hi, I own a Macbook Pro and I was wondering if it was possible to have the script to ask for the password after the lid is closed even if when it was closed the phone was in range. I ask this because if I close the lid when my phone is near and it gets stolen when you open it up it thinks it's still in range and it doesn't ask for the password until you close it again when it's realized the phone is no longer near.
Thanks :)

An Improvement. turns off the screen instead of just running the screen saver.

Unlock Bluetooth Keyboard

Have you ever wished you could just walk away from your Mac and have it lock itself without you doing anything? Or perhaps sometimes you leave your desk and completely forget to lock your Mac? This can be a very delicate situation, since we all have an enormous quantity of sensitive information in our Macs and it can be downright fatal to lose them.

Well, here is a nifty trick that will allow you to use your iPhone's Bluetooth signal to lock your Mac when you walk away and to wake it up when you return.

Important Note: This process only works for Macs running a version of Mountain Lion

Follow the steps below.

Step 1: Download Proximity, a Mac application that runs scripts upon detection of Bluetooth devices. You can get it from this link. Then, download two Apple scripts that I created for this app. Use this link (UPDATE: This file is not available anymore) to get them in one zip file. Once you do, unzip the scripts and save them anywhere on your Mac, just remember where.

Step 2: On your Mac, open the Proximity app that you just downloaded and it will install an icon in your menu bar. Click on its icon then click on Preferences.

Step 3: Make sure to at least check the Enable device monitoring option and then choose the interval at which you would like your Mac to scan and verify that your iPhone's Bluetooth is in range (anything between 5 – 10 seconds works for me).

Step 4: Enable Bluetooth on your iPhone. To do so, on your iPhone go to Settings > Bluetooth and turn it ON. Don't forget to pair your iPhone to your Mac if you haven't done so in the past.

Step 5: Add the Apple scripts you downloaded to the Proximity app. On its Preference Pane under AppleScripts click on the Change button beside Out of Range Script. Find the script named Lock Mac from where you placed it and choose it. Do the same for the In Range Script, only this time choose the Unlock Mac script instead.

This is how it looks after I added the scripts.

Step 6: On the same Proximity's Preference Pane, click on the Check Connectivity button until your iPhone's Bluetooth is detected.

Note: If your iPhone is not detected, click on Change Device and select it from the list of available devices

Step 7: Close the Preferences Pane and take your iPhone out of range. Your Mac will lock itself and will wake up the moment you (with your iPhone) come back in range.

That's it! This is really a pretty nice trick. You can also enable it by simply turning your iPhone's Bluetooth ON and OFF manually and even have fun playing tricks on your friends, who will not know what is turning your Mac on and off.

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Did You Know

The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) oversees and manages the development of Bluetooth standards.

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